固定矯齒隱形矯齒聲明 根據香港牙醫管理委員會對本港牙科執業人員所發出的專業守則指引,我們必須遵守監管互聯網之網頁形式規條,因此我們只能在本網頁提供基本資訊,如有不便之處,敬請見諒。如需要診所詳細資料,歡迎致電或親臨中心查詢。Declaration
We should comply with the rules governing the homepage on the Internet referring to the “Code of Professional Discipline for the Guidance of Dental Practitioners in Hong Kong” issued by the Dental Council of Hong Kong. Only the basic information of our dental clinics will be shown on the website. For more details, please feel free to visit or contact our clinic by phone and email. The dental information located at Corporate Corner is for our members only.