Explore RF Needle System

Our company uses the Explore radiofrequency skin tightening treatment system, which uses radiofrequency energy to improve skin conditions and treat various skin problems. This technology combines radiofrequency energy with skin tightening effects to provide better treatment results. The principle of RF Radiofrequency skin tightening treatments deliver radiofrequency energy to the inner layers of the skin, creating tiny areas of heat, which are known as radiofrequency skin tightening points. These points stimulate the production of collagen and remodeling of the skin, thereby improving the texture and firmness of the skin and stimulating the proliferation of collagen in the skin. Collagen is an important structural protein that provides support to the skin, thereby achieving skin tightening and lifting effect. Treatment features
  • Non-invasive treatment: Radiofrequency skin tightening treatment is considered a non-invasive procedure that does not require surgical incisions. The treatment process is generally well-tolerated, and most individuals can quickly resume their daily activities after the procedure.
  • Personalized settings: The intensity and depth of the radiofrequency energy can be adjusted based on individual needs and the specific skin issues being treated. This personalized setting allows for customized treatments to achieve optimal results.
Treatment scope
  • Wrinkles and fine lines: Radiofrequency skin tightening treatment can reduce facial and neck wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in smoother and more youthful-looking skin.
  • Skin laxity: By stimulating collagen production, radiofrequency energy improves skin firmness and addresses skin laxity, particularly in the face, neck, and arms.
  • Acne scars and other scarring: Radiofrequency skin tightening treatment can diminish the appearance of acne scars and other types of scars, promoting skin tissue repair and regeneration.
  • Uneven skin tone and pigmentation: By promoting collagen formation and skin cell regeneration, radiofrequency skin tightening treatment can improve uneven skin tone and reduce the appearance of pigmentation issues, leading to a more even complexion.
  • Skin texture improvement: Radiofrequency skin tightening treatment can enhance skin texture, increasing skin radiance and smoothness, resulting in a more youthful and healthy appearance.
  • Radiofrequency skin tightening treatment offers a safe and effective option for skin rejuvenation, stimulating collagen production, improving skin texture, and addressing various skin concerns, with minimal downtime.
Please contact us by phone at 27322021 or by WhatsApp at 59949014 for more information.